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研究方向 土壤氮素循环及其环境效应 电    话 13805188487
电子邮件 传    真 02585891745
办公地点 江苏省南京市仙林大学城文苑路1号 邮政编码 210023
通讯地址 江苏省南京市仙林大学城文苑路1号
1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金“土壤氮素循环”(41222005),2013-2015; 
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金“亚热带酸性土壤硝化过程及硝态氮微生物同化研究”( 41101209),2012-2014;
3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目“施肥对农田土壤氮总转化速率的影响”(BK2010611),2011-2013; 
4. 中国科学院重要方向项目(青年人才类)“土壤反硝化潜力和产物组成的地域性变异规律”(KZCX2-YW-QN405),2010-2012;
5. 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室青年人才项目“亚热带森林土壤氮转化过程研究”(0812000070),2009-2012。
6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“亚热带土壤氮关键转化过程”(40830531),2009-2012(参与)。
近年来发表学术论文50余篇,其中有SCI论文40余篇,其中第一作者近20篇。2005年获得中国科学院院长奖优秀奖。2006年获得东北地理与农业生态研究所优秀博士论文奖。2007年获得中国科学院50篇优秀博士论文提名。2008年获得中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖。2012年获得国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目资助。2012年入选南京师范大学“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养计划。2013年入选南京师范大学 “百名青年领军人才培养计划”。 2014年入选江苏省“青蓝工程”培养计划。2014年获得吉林省科技奖一等奖(排名第二)。
  1. Zhang, J., Y. Yu, T. Zhu, and Z. Cai (2014): The mechanisms governing low denitrification capacity and high nitrogen oxide gas emissions in subtropical forest soils in China. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 119, 1670-1683.
  2. Zhang, J., Sun, W, Zhong, W., Cai, Z. (2014): The substrate is an important factor in controlling the significance of heterotrophic nitrification in acidic forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 76, 143-148
  3. Zhu, T., Zhang, J.*, Meng, T., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2014): Tea plantation destroys soil retention of NO3- and increases N2O emissions in subtropical China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 73, 106-114.
  4. Cheng Yi, Wang Jing, Wang Shen-Qiang, Zhang Jinbo, Cai Zucong. (2014): Effects of soil moisture on gross N transformations and N2O emission in acid subtropical forest soils. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS. 50, 1099-1108.
  5. Cheng Yi, Wang Jing, Zhang Jinbo et al. (2014). The mechanisms behind reduced NH4+ and NO3 - accumulation due to litter decomposition in the acidic soil of subtropical forest. Plant and Soil, 378, 295-308.
  6. Cheng Yi, Wang Jing, Wang Shen-Qiang, Zhang Jinbo, Cai Zucong. (2014): Effects of temperature change and tree species composition on N2O and NO emissions in acidic forest soils of subtropical China. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA, 26, 617-625.
  7. Yu Yongjie, Zhang Jinbo, Chen Wenwen et al. (2014). Effect of land use on the denitrification, abundance of denitrifiers, and total nitrogen gas production in the subtropical region of China. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 50, 105-113.
  8. Zhu Tongbin, Dang Qi, Zhang Jinbo, et al. (2014): Reductive soil disinfestation (RSD) alters gross N transformation rates and reduces NO and N2O emissions in degraded vegetable soils. PLANT AND SOIL, 382, 269-280
  9. Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Zhu, T., Yang, W., Müller, C. (2013): Mechanisms for the retention of inorganic N in acidic forest soils of southern China. Scientific Reports, 3, 2342, DOI:10.1038/srep02342.
  10. Zhang, J., Zhu, T., Meng, T., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Yang, W., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2013): Agricultural land use affects nitrate production and conservation in humid subtropical soils in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 107-114 
  11. Zhu, T., Zhang, J., Yang, W., Cai, Z. (2013): Effects of organic material amendment and water content on NO, N2O, and N2 emissions in a nitrate-rich vegetable soil.Biology and Fertility of Soils, 40, 153-163.
  12. Zhu, T., Meng, T., Zhang, J., Yin, Y., Cai, Z., Yang, W., Zhong, W. (2013) Nitrogen mineralization, immobilization turnover, heterotrophic nitrification, and microbial groups in acid forest soils of subtropical China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 40, 323-331
  13. Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Meng, T., Zhu, T., Müller, C., Cai, Z. (2013): Heterotrophic nitrification is the predominant NO3- production pathway in acid coniferous forest soil in subtropical China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 49, 955-957.
  14. Cheng, Y., Z. Cai, SX Chang, J Wang, J Zhang. (2013): Effects of soil pH and salt on N2O production in adjacent forest and grassland soils in central Alberta, Canada.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13, 863-868
  15. Cheng, Y., J Wang, B Mary, J Zhang, Z Cai. (2013): Soil pH has contrasting effects on gross and net nitrogen mineralizations in adjacent forest and grassland soils in central Alberta, Canada. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 848-857
  16. Cheng, Y., Z Cai, SX Chang, J Wang, J Zhang. (2013): Wheat straw and its biochar have contrasting effects on inorganic N retention and N2O production in a cultivated Black Chernozem. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 48, 941-946
  17. Zhang, J., Zhu, T., Cai, Z., Qin, S., Müller, C. (2012): Effects of long-term repeated mineral and organic fertilizer applications on soil nitrogen transformations.European Journal of Soil Science, 63, 75-85.
  18. Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Yang, W., Zhu, T., Yu, Y., Yan, X., Jia, Z. (2012): Long-term field fertilization affects soil nitrogen transformations in a rice-wheat-rotation cropping system. Journal Plant Nutrition Soil Science, 175, 939–946
  19. Cai, Z., Zhang, J., Zhu, T., Cheng, Y. (2012): Stimulation of NO and N2O emissions from soils by SO2 deposition. Global Change Biology, 18, 2280-2291. 
  20. Huang, R., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., Zhong, W., Jia, Z., Cai, Z. (2012): Nitrification activity and putative ammonia-oxidizing archaea in acidic red soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12, 420-428. 
  21. Cheng,Y, Cai, Z., Zhang, J., Lang, M., Mary, B., Chang, S.  (2012): Soil moisture effects on gross nitrification differ between adjacent grassland and forested soils in central Alberta, Canada. Plant and Soil, 352, 289–301
  22. Yu, Y., Shen, W., Yin, Y., Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Zhong, W. (2012): Response of soil microbial diversity to land-use conversion of natural forests to plantations in a subtropical mountainous area of southern China. Science and Plant Nutrition, 58,450-461. 
  23. Sun, P., Zhuge, Y., Zhang, J., Cai, Z. (2012): Soil pH was the main controlling factor of the denitrification rates and N2/N2O emission ratios in forest and grassland soils along the Northeast China Transect (NECT). Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 58, 517-525 
  24. Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Zhu, T. (2011): N2O production pathways in the subtropical acid forest soils in China.  Environmental Research, 111, 643-649 
  25. Zhang, J., Zhu, T., Cai, Z., Müller, C. (2011): Heterotrophic nitrification is the predominant NO3- production mechanism in coniferous but not broad-leaf acid forest soil in subtropical China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47, 533–542 
  26. Zhang, J., Zhu, T., Cai, Z., Müller, C. (2011):  Nitrogen cycling in forest soils across climate gradients in Eastern China.  Plant and Soil, 342, 419–432
  27. Zhu, T., Zhang, J., Cai, Z. (2011): The contribution of nitrogen transformation processes to total N2O emissions from soils used for intensive vegetable cultivation.Plant and Soil, 343, 313–327 
  28. Zhu, T., Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Müller, C. (2011): The N transformation mechanisms for rapid nitrate accumulation in soils under intensive vegetable cultivation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11, 1178-1189. 
  29. Cheng, Y., Cai, Z., Zhang, J., Chang, S. (2011): Gross N transformations were little affected by 4 years of simulated N and S depositions in an aspen-white spruce dominated boreal forest in Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 262, 571–578 
  30. Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Cheng, Y., Zhu, T. (2010): Immobilization of Nitrate in Anaerobic Forest Soils along a North South Transect in East China. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74, 1193-1200. 
  31. Zhang, J., Cai, Z., Cheng, Y., Zhu, T. (2009): Denitrification and total nitrogen gas production from forest soils of Eastern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 2551-2557
  32. Song, Changchun; Zhang, Jinbo. (2009): Effects of soil moisture, temperature, and nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration and nitrous oxide emission during maize growth period in northeast China. ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION B-SOIL AND PLANT SCIENCE, 59, 97-106
  33. Zhang, J., Song, C., Wang, S. (2008): Short-term dynamics of carbon and nitrogen after tillage in a freshwater marsh of northeast China. Soil Tillage and Research, 99, 49-157. 
  34. Song, Changchun, Zhang, Jinbo, Wang, Yiyong. Emission of CO2, CH4 and N2O from freshwater marsh in northeast of China. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 88, 428-436
  35. Zhang, J., Song, C., Wang, S. (2007): Dynamics of soil organic carbon and its fractions after abandonment of cultivated wetlands in northeast China. Soil Tillage and Research, 96 (1-2), 350-360. 
  36. Zhang, J., Song, C., Yang, W. (2007): Tillage Effects on Soil Carbon Fractions in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Soil Tillage and Research, 93, 102-108.
  37. Zhang, J., Song, C., Yang, W. (2007): Effects of cultivation on soil microbiological properties in a freshwater marsh soil in Northeast China. Soil Tillage and Research, 93, 231-235.  
  38. Zhang, J., Song, C., Yang, W. (2006): Land use effects on a distribution of labile organic carbon through soil profiles. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 70, 660-667. 
  39. Zhang, J., Song, C., Yang, W. (2005): Cold season CH4, CO2 and N2O fluxes from freshwater marshes in northeast China. Chemosphere, 59(11), 1703-1705.